Monday, July 03, 2006


Jacko' Lantern

Place a candle deep within,

to show the Jacko' lantern's grin.

Set him outside on the front stair,

or in the window to give a good scare.

He'll greet Trick or Treaters of the night,

with his great jagged teeth and fiery eyes.

The little ghosts, and angels, and monsters all,

will be guided up the steps to the front door,

where they will fill their sacks and buckets of candy,

with a "Trick or Treat" and a "Thank you" handy.

Then they'll turn to bid adieu to the pumpkin of light,

who guides them back down to the street in the night.


Just take a golden pumpkin
Of quite the largest size,
Cut all 'round the stem, just so,
Scrape out the inside below,
And cut two holes for eyes.
And now fix a nose beneath,
And such a great big mouth with teeth,
And you've a jack-o'-lantern!

Then fix a tallow candle,
Just big enough to light,
And when it flickers, see him blink,
And when it flares up, see him wink
And smile so broad and bright.
This is the jolliest sort of a fellow,
With cheery face so round and yellow,
This funny jack-o'-lantern.



The ghosts of all things past parade,
Emerging from the mist and shade
That hid them from our gaze,
And, full of song and ringing mirth,
In one glad moment of rebirth,
And again they walk the ways of earth
As in the ancient days.

Bats and Black Cats

A friend of mine once said,

bats are little rats with wings.

If that is true, then black cats do

love those little flying things.

They flit and flutter one way and another,

in the night sky, across the moon,

but only the cat can catch them

with one magic leap and it's the poor bat's doom.

she brings it to the witch's house,

for some secret recipe -- but if the cat

should miss, and the lucky bat flutters away,

our furry friend finds another place

that night to fall asleep.


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